Hexecutioner #111
She / They
How did you come up with your derby name and/or number? (And what do your teammates call you?)
For my derby name, I wanted to create a dark alter ego that evokes brutality and power with a magical and spooky twist. I tend to be sweet and soft-hearted in my everyday life; Hexecutioner encourages me to be more assertive, and tenacious, and show my strength without apologies (still working on that, sorry not sorry!). My teammates call me Hex!
A few options came to mind when picking a number, but 111 kept popping up EVERYWHERE. In numerology, "1" symbolizes determination, opportunity, and new beginnings. #111 also signifies confidence in oneself, taking risks, and motivating our strengths, and I felt that message aligns well with my aspirations in roller derby.
What made you decide to try roller derby?
I loved skating/rollerblading during childhood, but I hadn't done it in years. Kill Macabre excitedly told me about her first year in derby and she inspired me to start skating again and join new recruits training this year. I didn't have the opportunity to join sports in childhood, so starting as an adult was a bit scary. But my mindset was "if not now, when?" and I'm so happy that I said "yes!" to trying new experiences
How long have you been playing roller derby?
This is my first year playing Roller Derby!
What's your favorite thing about MedCity Roller Derby?
Picking favorites in general is hard for me, and even more difficult to choose 1 when I am finding more and more things that I love about Med City Roller Derby and all my teammates. Despite the tough practices and soreness, I always look forward to being with my team and working hard together. They are all so inspiring and encouraging, and provide the perfect balance of motivation, challenge, growth, and fun that I've been looking for.
What position or role do you have within the league?
I am a New Recruit!
What are you most excited about this season?
EVERYTHING! So much to learn and so much to see. I am a sponge and soaking it all up!